Friday, March 6, 2009

is it over?

do you ever come to a point where you question it all, and wonder if it's time to evaluate yourself and see what is really going around you. 

you ask yourself what you could of done to make things better, what you could of said to make it last or even, what you could of held back at times. 

You ask yourself if you were too vulnerable, if you let your guard down or how you could of made it go to the next step. 

Do you stay in the moment and re-create the puzzle piece by piece or do you move on and try to learn from any mistakes? 

when do you know its okay to move on? 

when do you realize that its really time to delete the number and stop caring? and when do you know if all feelings from both sides are nonexistent?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ever since Karl Lagerfeld took over the house of Chanel, it seems like the spotlight got brighter for him and his name and the revival of the iconic fashion house. Not only is he one of my favorite designers but he's also a great artist. His photography for Chanel has made him iconic as his designs. Below is his latest work but with a bit of a twist, working with rival fashion house Dior. Love his simplicity and taste for less is more.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Just wanted to introduce myself and jump on the blog bandwagon. My mind is usually filled with ideas, anecdotes, and a million other things. I wanted to start this blog and really give people a taste of "a day in the life of" myself. I'll try to make it interesting and at the same time share my POV. Here goes nothing! Enjoy and gimme some feedback!